I come across so many non-profits and Creatives with great ideas-- but who are Greatly Frustrated.
Here’s how the conversation goes:
Oh, Neysa, you are a grantwriter? I need a grant. I hear there is a lot of free money out there. Can you write one for me?
My response:
Can I write a grant ? Sure - I’ve written hundreds.
Can I win a grant? - Absolutely- my portfolio is over $20 million.
The real question is-
Are you Grant - Ready?
Most think hiring a grant consultant is the solution.
However, there is a vital “pre-step” that makes all of the difference.
The missing link is becoming “Grant -Ready”.
That is my passion. I work with you to build this vital Foundation.
Once this foundation is laid, you are ready to successfully work with a skilled grant consultant and see results, versus frustration.
Step 2:
Grant Writing 101: Playbook

A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Funders, Writing Winning Proposals, and Tracking Awards